Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2015

Cara Menggunakan Preposition Over Dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

  1. Dipakai untuk menyatakan pergerakan dari satu tempat ke tempat lain

  • You can approach over  my minimal home for lunch.
  • Would you see any problems to give over the book?
  • My sibling sent over a blessing due to my accomplishment in the school this year.
  1. Dipakai untuk menyatakan pergerakan karah bawah

  • I require you to twist over and take the dish for me. (twist over: membungkuk)
  • Could you push over this enormous toy? (push over: mendorong hingga terbalik)
  • See! There is a ring falls over from the lady’s sack. (falls over: jatuh)
  1. Dipakai untuk menyatakan jumlah yang brlebihan

  • I have sat tight you for more than three hours.
  • Much thanks to you. Your blessing is over my expectation.
  • At the point when young men has been seventeen and over, they find themselves able to watch this film.
  1. Dipakai untuk menyatakan sebuah periode yang telah brakhir

  • Your time is over.
  • It has been amusement over.