Kamis, 07 Agustus 2014

TOEFL Exam Success Tips, Tes maut bahasa inggris

Test Of English Foreign Language (TOEFL)is widely used today as part of the selection process by an agency, both for the entrance test S2 (min score: 450), the test to get a scholarship (min score: 500.

Some tips that I found through Internet searches are:
1. Prepare a self-taught ability. Before taking the TOEFL or TOEFL Test Preparation Program, will be more appropriate when you optimize your skills are taught first. Because if your skill is still lacking, TOEFL Preparation will be in vain. Barron's book is more than enough to help you in the learning phase of this self-taught, having been equipped with practical explanations of grammar, reading, listening and tapes to the needs of practice questions complete with discussion

2. Listening practice. Practise listening should not use the tape a conversation in the TOEFL test, but can be made more enjoyable that you do not get bored in practice. Please allow at least two hours a day to listen to English conversations through public media such as broadcasting BBC, the National Geographics Watching the show or even watch the English-language film (text without)

3. Practicing Reading. For ease of reading practice in the style of the TOEFL is to practice speed reading and understanding the meaning of a sentence or paragraph. Do not stare at the word per word. This will train you in the case of paraphrase (meaning conclude briefly) and the pronoun (use he, she, it, etc. as a substitute for the I / II / III) of a paragraph.

4. Finding Opponent Talk. This will train you to listen to and then speak. Here you are trained to arrange the words are structured based on your understanding of the basics of the points first.

5th. Practicing Problem. Practice the questions useful for you to understand the models about the TOEFL test. So the more often you practice, the more familiar you are with the TOEFL questions. To train with about the TOEFL, you can visit the following sites and conduct tests for free: www.freetoefl.com, www.testmagic.com, www.testwise.com etc.

6. Relax. After you do the preparation methods mentioned above, it's time you faced with the TOEFL exam. You need to consider is: calm down. Do not rush to answer, do it over calmly.

7. Concentration. Concentration is one of the key factors to your success in the TOEFL listening especially for the session, because the materials and questions about akn not ever be repeated. So very miss 3-4 words mean then you have a fruit melawatkan matter.

8. Do not Focus On one Problem. Given the very limited time given, not for too long accustomed to answering a question. If a question seems difficult, leave the problem quickly and continue with the next question. Use the remaining time to repeat the existing problem, this only applies to grammar and reading sessions

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